
  I brought the floor and dragged it forward while walking forward. After mopping it, I turned around and saw some small footprints. I thought I was heading in the wrong direction, so I turned around and dragged back in reverse. After dragging again, the floor would be clean. But I found that there were still some corners that I couldn\\\'t wipe, and even with force, I couldn\\\'t do it. After thinking for a moment, what should I do with this small corner? I recalled how my mother used to do it? So I dragged the floor against the corner, rotating it while wiping, and really wiped the small corner clean.

  After wiping the floor, I looked at the fruits of my labor and felt very happy in my heart. My mother also praised me for being able to work!\\n

  At night, as soon as my mother came back, she fell and said, \\"Oh my! Who dragged the floor so bright!\\" I hid behind the door and secretly laughed, then pretended not to know and watched TV. I think: doing housework is really enjoyable. Next time, I will also help my mother with household chores.

  My father came back to know that I helped my mother with household chores and even took me to play skateboarding. I am very happy today!\\n

  My mother assigned me tasks such as sweeping and mopping the floor, which are not difficult for me. I first thoroughly swept the room with a broom, and then poured the garbage into the trash can with a dustpan. The next step is to mop the floor. mopping the floor is a strenuous task. I mopped it three times before it was clean, and it made me sweat profusely. My mother praised me for my hard work, and I felt secretly happy. The whole family saw it and praised me as a lovely and hardworking child!

  I am as happy as a beautiful flower blooming in my heart, incredibly happy! In the future, I will also help the adults in my family do more household chores and be a personal person. I like good children!\\n

  Although my neck is sore, I look at the glass that I have wiped clean and feel so happy in my heart!\\n

  I remember one time when I was washing the bathroom with my mother, something very dangerous and terrifying happened. Now I still have lingering fear when I think about it. At that time, I was very serious about cleaning, but I accidentally slipped and fell. Time passed, and my mother quickly helped me to save me. If it weren\\\'t for my mother at that time, I don\\\'t know what had happened now. Thank you to my mother for giving me a new life.

  Doing household chores is a very tiring job for me, but whenever I think of helping my mother and reducing her stress, I am very happy because my mother is not a homemaker. She has to go to work early and return late every day, take care of me when she comes home, and clean the house. Compared to my mother, my \\"fatigue\\" is less than one thousandth of my mother\\\'s. Therefore, I enjoy doing household chores to avoid her physical fatigue. I hope my mother has a happy and healthy life every day.\\n

  Sister looked upstairs and saw that it was very dirty. So, I brought a broom to clean, and when I saw my sister cleaning, I stepped forward to help. After sweeping the floor, it should have been mopping. We finally brought a clean basin of water upstairs. Then, I squeezed out the water from the cloth and wiped up some very bacterial things, such as the sofa, cabinet, table, and grandma\\\'s favorite TV.

  Well done, grandma even praised us as good children.\\n

  So I happily ran to fetch a basin of clean water, soaked the cloth in water, and then wring it dry. First, I wiped two wardrobes. After wiping, the cloth turned black. I put it in water, soaked it for a while, and then rubbed it a few more times. I found that it was like a magic trick: the cloth had become clean, but the water had been dyed black. Then I went to clean the glass, singing a song while wiping it. The originally gray glass suddenly became crystal clear. Later, I helped my grandmother clean the chairs and tables

  Finally, we were done. Grandma looked at these \\"brand new\\" furniture and said to me, \\"How capable!\\" My heart was even sweeter than honey. I think: Grandma works so hard on household chores, I must help her more in the future!

\\n  I started making it. Faced with a bunch of dishes that I had eaten, I first put these bowls in the sink, then turned on the faucet and put some water to soak the bowls in the water for a while. Then, I took out the dishcloth and wetted it, poured a little dishwashing detergent on it, took the bowls out of the water, wiped the inside of the dishes with a dishcloth dipped in dishwashing detergent, and then wiped the outside of the dishes as well. I placed the cleaned dishes aside until all the dishes were wiped out. I changed half a basin of clean water and put all the washed dishes in it. After removing the debris on the cloth and wring it dry, I rinsed each bowl in the basin with water and took them out. Turn down the faucet, rinse the bowls one by one underwater with your hands, and then drain them. After more than ten minutes, I finally washed the bowl clean. It\\\'s really not easy!

  Think about it, Mom is like this every day, so tired. I need to help with household chores more in the future.\\n

  So I took out my dirty clothes from the clothes basket and put them in the laundry basin on the balcony. I put water in the basin, soaked all the clothes, poured a little laundry detergent in the water, and kneaded them in the water for a while. Then I took out the clothes one by one, learning to do laundry like my mom did. I used a brush to brush the clothes on the platform, changed the dirty water in the laundry basin, filled it with clean water, and washed the clothes in the basin. This time and time again, finally the water in the laundry basin became clearer and my clothes were washed.

  My mother praised me as a really good child.\\n

  After lunch, I also helped my mother tidy up the dishes and clean the table. I don\\\'t think wiping the table is an easy task. First, stack the dishes and utensils, and then take them to the trash can to pour in the bone debris on the table. Use a cloth to wipe the table clean without any oil stains. At night, I still tidy up the dishes and take out the garbage.

  I am very happy on this day. Although I find it difficult to do housework, I am happy to help my mother with it.\\n

  After speaking, we began to work enthusiastically. I used a broom to clean the floor first. After finishing, I took a basin of water and started wiping the table and furniture. I wiped it very carefully, and the table was so shiny that it could even be seen in a mirror. Mom was diligently cleaning the windows there, and the windows were also cleaned clean by her. After cleaning the window, my mother started mopping the floor. An afternoon passed quickly like this, and we also cleaned our house clean and tidy.

  My mother looked at the house that was cleaned clean by us and praised me as a hardworking and helpful child. I was overjoyed to hear it!\\n
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