
  The teacher I like is our homeroom teacher, Mr. Lin. From the beginning of first grade to now, the teacher has been with us all the time. The teacher is very beautiful, of medium height, with a thin figure, bright black hair, sometimes draped over the shoulders, sometimes tied with a ponytail, and a pair of kind and bright eyes embedded under the curved eyebrows.

  A teacher is a gentle and meticulous person who treats us like their own children, making us feel very friendly. The teacher spoke vividly and eloquently, and her classmates all enjoyed her classes. The teacher was meticulous and responsible in our studies. Every homework is graded and checked, and any problems are explained carefully. Her classmates respect her very much.

  If we don\\\'t perform well in our studies, the teacher may occasionally get angry. A few days ago, when we were in the previous lesson, a classmate who didn\\\'t listen attentively was seen by the teacher and angrily criticized him because it\\\'s rare to see the teacher get so angry. At that time, we were also startled. Afterwards, the teacher continued the class and was very satisfied with the students\\\' excellent answers to questions.

  Teacher Lin - our homeroom teacher, I will never forget you.\\n

  The scene of Teacher Zhang attending Chinese class has been unforgettable to me to this day. Ding Lingling, class is over. I quickly ran back to the classroom and sat upright. Teacher Zhang walked with a spring breeze on his face and began teaching. The content of today\\\'s class is for us to write a weekly journal: \\"Another unforgettable thing for me.\\" We were all dumbfounded after reading it, and the teacher patiently explained our thoughts on how to write. He gave us many examples and read many sample essays. After listening to them, the students were immediately enlightened, as if they had cleared the clouds and seen the blue sky. Everyone raised their hands one after another, and with each word you said, I started talking about unforgettable things for myself

  Yes, I forgot to write my Chinese exercise book. The next day after school, the teacher called me to the office and asked me what was going on. My face turned red and I stuttered, saying, \\"I didn\\\'t bring my exercise book.\\" The teacher noticed my abnormality and asked me seriously again, \\"Is it really? Is it really not?\\" I couldn\\\'t hold it anymore and said in fear, \\"I.forgot to write.\\" Teacher Zhang said angrily, \\"I can make up for my homework, but lying is a serious mistake. If you don\\\'t correct it, no one will believe you in the future.\\" The teacher harshly criticized me, and tears streamed down my face. I promised the teacher that I would never lie again. \\"If you know your mistake, you should make the right changes. You can\\\'t make the same mistakes again in the future. You can finish your homework in the teacher\\\'s office and go home.\\" Half an hour passed, and by then, only Teacher Zhang and I were left in the office. It was almost dark, but the teacher was still with me. After a while, I finally finished my homework. At this moment, Teacher Zhang regained his previous kindness and kindly said, \\"Zhao Chenkun, your stomach is hungry. Let me give you a piece of chocolate to cushion your stomach first. Hurry up and pack your backpack and go home!\\" Teacher Zhang has been with me until now. My stomach must also be hungry. Eating chocolate makes my heart warm.

  This is my good teacher - Teacher Zhang. She cares for us kindly and warmly like a mother, teaching us a lot of knowledge and the principles of being a good person.\\n

  At that time, I was only in third grade, and at that time, I was capricious, proud, and liked to play with my temper. There was a Chinese language test, and I got the first place in my class. Upon hearing this news, I was extremely happy and boasted about it everywhere with this test paper. The class monitor asked me to run a blackboard newspaper, and I was very happy. I asked my classmates to bring me chalk and brush the blackboard for me. If there was any dissatisfaction, they would scold me. Gradually, my classmates ignored me, and even my good friends who played with me were unwilling to play with me.

  At this moment, Teacher Qi came to my side and said to me, \\"The reason why the lake is wide and vast is because it contains all the small water droplets. It does not underestimate other small water droplets, so it is very happy and not lonely at all. People are the same. You cannot have friends, and friends need to be searched for by yourself. In fact, more than seventy classmates in the class are your friends. It is only because you did not cherish them well that you are alone like this.\\"

  Since the teacher had a heart to heart conversation with me, I have come to understand a lot and have regained the opportunity to have friends and understand true friendship. In terms of learning, Teacher Qi often supports and encourages me, accompanying me through the bridges of life.

  Now I have transferred schools and met new classmates and teachers. In these years, I have made great progress in my studies. Whenever I achieve any results, I think of her, her teachings, and her encouraging gaze.\\n

  Teacher Wang not only looks beautiful but also cares and takes care of his classmates. Wang Kevin lost his pencil and was shouting loudly in the classroom, making it impossible for his classmates to do their homework. I was so angry that I shouted loudly, \\"What are you yelling at? You\\\'re asking no one to do homework?\\" Unexpectedly, he was even more angry than me. He took three steps in front of me, grabbed my clothes, and his eyes were as big as a bell, which scared me to death. When I saw him like this, not only did his anger decrease a bit, but tears of displeasure also rolled around his eyes. Wang Kaiwen saw me proudly say, \\"I\\\'m afraid, I see you dare to shout!\\"

  Right here, Teacher Wang is here. She can\\\'t see boys bullying girls anymore. So while wiping my tears, Teacher Wang angrily scolded Kevin Wang, saying, \\"How can you bully a girl? Are you still not a man? Tell Zhang Xinchi I\\\'m sorry!\\" Kevin Wang was as honest as a sheep when he saw a big bad wolf. His wild energy disappeared without a trace, and he quickly said, \\"I\\\'m sorry, Zhang Xinchi.\\"

  Teacher Wang has also criticized me, but where can a \\"mother\\" not discipline a \\"child\\"? I believe that with the hard work of Mr. Wang, the gardener, our small saplings will grow and flourish!\\n

  I remember during class, I was attracted by a comic book and kept quietly looking down to read, without paying attention. After realizing it, Teacher Cao did not punish, blame or scold me for it. Instead, he earnestly said to me, \\"How can I not listen in class? I will scratch my ears and cheeks again when I finish my homework later, and I will take it as a warning next time! Remember, this is the first and last!\\" I nodded and made up my mind not to repeat the crime in the future.

  Also, I don\\\'t know how to do a thinking question. After class, I stumbled over to Teacher Cao and asked for his advice, but I didn\\\'t dare to start because I was afraid of being scolded. Teacher Cao saw my thoughts and smiled at me, saying, \\"What problem won\\\'t it be?\\" I was trembling with fear, thinking that Teacher Cao would be angry! Under the careful explanation of the teacher, I finally understood the problem!

  Teacher Cao, it is you who have nurtured the tender seedlings that have just broken through in spring with your hard work and sweat; It was your gentle and persuasive words that ignited the spark of ideals in my heart; Your guidance has enabled me to grow up healthy; The garden you watered bears abundant fruits in the golden autumn season; The melody of poetry can\\\'t stop praising my admiration for you.\\n

  In Chinese class, she used her cheerful voice to let us freely play in the ocean of knowledge, walk into the forest after rain together, absorb the flavor of the grassland together, and enjoy the prosperity of our motherland together

  I remember last year our grade held a social practice activity, going on an outing to Jiangjun Mountain. The weather was very hot at that time, but Teacher Zeng still led us up, reminding us to walk carefully while protecting us. After reaching the mountaintop, Teacher Zeng asked us to perform a program to add fun, and she also helped us shoot. The atmosphere was very lively, and the students were also very happy. Teacher Zeng, she is our angel, guarding and loving us

  Even the slightest mistake in the homework book cannot escape the golden eye of Teacher Zeng. In the face of every mistake made by our classmates, Teacher Zeng would carefully circle the wrong words with a red pen and demand that we correct them in a timely manner. Therefore, we have developed the good habit of \\"correcting when we know our mistakes\\". Whenever the essay book is published, I eagerly open it and look for any good or bad sections that have been mentioned by Teacher Zeng. I also eagerly read Teacher Zeng\\\'s comments and see how many points I have received. A score of 90 or above is a good essay for Teacher Zeng, and I have been striving towards the direction required by the teacher!

  Our Chinese teacher, Teacher Zeng, is like a ray of sunshine, warming our hearts. I think you are a kind, gentle, and kind Chinese teacher in our hearts!

  I love my Chinese teacher, Teacher Zeng.\\n

  Teacher Lin\\\'s teaching is very distinctive. She always changes her style to make us feel that reading is a pleasure. In the morning reading class, there is a performance reading, an interesting speech three minutes before class, a scenario created in class to cultivate language sense, and an introduction of reading materials after class to stimulate interest in reading. She not only guides our studies, but also takes care of us carefully. In the pearl like memories, I picked up such a grain

  That day, with dark clouds and pouring rain, I went to school sick. Classmates are listening to Teacher Lin talk about an interesting experience. Only me, lying there, looked very tired. Teacher Lin walked over gently and asked, \\"Why, is there anything uncomfortable?\\" \\"Hmm,\\" I\\\'m feeling weak. Her slender hand touched my forehead. She took me out of school. I was shivering from the cold on the road. She took off her coat and draped it over me. I can\\\'t wear it, it\\\'s always uncomfortable. She gave the order: \\"Put on your clothes, lie on my back!\\" I felt a warm current surge in my heart as I sat on the teacher\\\'s back. I sniffed and whispered, \\"Thank you, teacher!\\" She kindly said, \\"Silly child, come on, let\\\'s go quickly.\\" When I arrived at the hospital, I received an injection and took medicine; The fever has finally subsided.

  My good teacher, give me strength and ignite my wisdom! I love you, Teacher Lin Jie!\\n

  Teacher Yang teaches very seriously. She fully utilizes modern network technology to teach us knowledge, and with a light click of the mouse, patterns appear before our eyes, vivid, vivid, and interesting, making us understand at a glance; If there are occasional classmates who struggle to understand, Teacher Yang will patiently explain again until they understand. Teacher Yang taught a series of lessons, each lasting 40 minutes. Our thinking did not pause for a moment, and we followed the teacher closely. Teacher Yang is also very careful in correcting homework, not even relaxing a single symbol.

  Teacher Yang is very concerned about us in our daily life. If a classmate feels slightly unwell, she will ask for warmth and warmth like her mother, and then ask her classmate to accompany her to the medical room.

  Although Teacher Yang no longer teaches us, I miss her very much. May she always be young.\\n

  Teacher Guo is of medium height, with a flowing and free flowing black and shiny shawl hair. His big watery eyes seem to be able to see through the hearts of his students.

  Teacher Guo not only gives lively lectures and teaches well, but also has a strong sense of responsibility. During the Wenchuan earthquake, people were constantly worried about the earthquake. After an English class, we were playing in the classroom when someone shouted \\"Earthquake, run!\\" The students upstairs ran down. Our classmates didn\\\'t hear us and were still playing wildly. Teacher Guo stood in the middle courtyard, watching us not come down, and ran upstairs until we safely evacuated before leaving the teaching building alone.

  Teacher Guo is a strict teacher, but at the same time, she treats her students like a loving mother. At the beginning of fourth grade, I lost my English book. My mother searched all the bookstores in the county, big and small, but there were none available for sale. Helplessly, she went to find Teacher Guo, who said, \\"No problem, I can find a way to transfer one.\\" After the second class, Teacher Guo gave me an English book. But when his mother thanked him, Teacher Guo said, \\"It\\\'s nothing, this is all I should do.\\"

  Teacher Guo, I will never forget the kindness of your teachings. I sincerely say, \\"Teacher, you have worked hard!\\"\\n

  I remember during the first grade entrance exam, when I nervously walked into the classroom, I saw a teacher wearing glasses and a friendly face sitting there. Her kind words relieved my nervousness, and then the test went very smoothly. After the teacher asked me to memorize a song called \\"Ascending Youzhou Taiwan Song\\", I was satisfied and allowed to leave. After coming out, my parents quickly asked me how I was doing. I smiled and said, \\"It\\\'s okay.\\" It wasn\\\'t until school started that I found out she was our homeroom teacher.

  Teacher Liu cares about understands every student in our class very much. At first, my pronunciation was always not very accurate. Teacher Liu always encourages me to answer more questions during class and read more good extracurricular books. Soon, I have made great progress. Teacher Liu also asked me and other classmates to represent our class in ancient Chinese poetry performances, which has greatly improved me.

  Teacher Liu is no longer our homeroom teacher, but she is still responsible and caring for our class and each of our classmates as before. Many important matters in our class are always discussed and resolved by Teacher Ma together with Teacher Liu. Now, we often see Teacher Liu\\\'s busy figure.\\n
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